Sunday, June 6, 2010

Back and FLYing!!

OK, it's late, so I'm just going to focus on the last few days of FLYing with Babysteps.

Oh. Wait. Before I do that... (Oh ha ha ha, stop laughing, I will get around to focusing on it in a minute! Sheeesh...)

Somebody asked about Big Tent. It's basically in an online group thing; sort of like Yahoo. Flylady has been using them instead of Yahoo for a bit now. Most of the emails are testimonials, with a daily "Flight Plan", notes from Marla (the FLYlady), and other little things. If you want little "missions" sent to you throughout the day (the way it was a few years ago) I suggest you follow her on Twitter by @THEFLYLADY.

Another tool (OK, OK, OK I know I said I would focus on the babystepping thing, I'm getting there!!) I love is the Flylady chat room! No need to register, just pick a "nickname" and head in! The ladies there are motivating and inspiring! I love to hop in close to TOTH (top of the hour) and BOTH (bottom of the hour) because then you can tell what you're going to do, get caught up with everyone "poof"ing to do it, and then come back 15 minutes later and brag/congratulate each other on doing it! Hop to and see what you think! (I'm Kiddos1138, so if you see me on there, say HI!)

First up, the postit note idea. Well, I did a little different. I took a dry erase marker to the mirror in my bedroom!!

Second is the Stinkin Thinkin down on paper. Well, that is coming up now. I was out of town at memorial services... NOT quite the place. But I'll do it right here, right now, after....

I share these pictures of my Hot Spot!! Featuring..... the top of my microwave!!!



OK. No uber-drastic change. Heck, I could barely tell which was which on the tiny preview pictures on the computer. But THAT'S OK! It's better then it was, and that's all that matters! I'll just keep working at it, and soon it will be all maintenance!

Oh goodness. It's late.

I'm tired. And this is crazy long (SORRY).

Tomorrow I'll be back with just a short entry with my Stinkin' Thinkin'.

Because you all can see how well I focus.... ;-)

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