Monday, March 30, 2009

Yet Another Monday!

So, yesterday I rocked the girls' room. Threw out 2 bags worth, got some stuff to sell.... Rockin'.

Then Roo was up sick all night. I'm tired.

BUT... I do plan on getting the Big 3, bathroom, and Roo's room up to snuff (in between catching vomit) so that tonight I can start (dunn dunn DUUUUUUNNNNN) our bedroom!

Oh yeah, got the foyer rockin this past weekend too.

Lovin' the work rockin'.

Updates to follow!

OK, it's 1:26. Still have a sick boy, so right now I'm trying to keep up with laundry and survive! Got 1/2 the dishes done (trust me, if you saw how many we had, you would be impressed!!

2:16 - Did some puzzles with Katie, now folding 3 loads of laundry. Actually, make that 4! And getting another one going. If Roo is still asleep, we'll hit the kitchen/dining room!

2:52 - Some laundry done, sick boy w/ fever nursing....

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